About Lenore

Whenever you see a comment written with this color box, it’s from me!

Lenore, 29 years old, married bisexual woman. A natural blond, she has hazel eyes, definitely more petite than me by sheer frame alone (we have different bone structures). She has a very sexual personality so it’s no wonder we get along. She has been instrumental in my revolution. Lenore helped me come to terms with the fact that I’m bisexual as well.

Oh Lenore, oddly enough she was probably the first person I ever fell in love with. I was in strict denial at the time. We met 18 years ago at the start of middle school. Fast friends we still did not hangout or talk outside of school for a year or so after we met. I cannot point to a moment that I fell in love with her, but it was there. Clues manifested as possessiveness and rivalry between her boyfriends and me.

Lenore is strictly very submissive sexually.
More to come.